A downloadable Demo

This is an attempt to create a racing game that stays faithful to the Speed Racer 2008 film, as well as both the DS & PS2 tie-in games! A mix of both control schemes have been used, to combine the strengths of how both games interpret the mechanics from the movie.

Right now it's just a demo to see how the car feels to drive, but you can race against your own ghost to improve your lap time!

R to Reset

P to Place Obstacle

To right the car, either 360 Spin Attack when facing forward, or 180 Spin Attack when facing backward

SteeringA & DLeft Stick
RotateHold E + A & DL1
180 Spin AttackTap FTap X
360 Spin AttackHold FHold X
BoostL SHIFTSquare Button
JumpjacksArrow KeysD-Pad


Speed Racer Fan Project.zip 32 MB


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can you make it work well with xbox controllers and generic controllers please

(1 edit)

Awesome! Anywhere to provide feedback and stuff?

Just leave a comment if there were any bugs or problems you ran into 😀 Right now I'm just focusing on how the car behaves, so feel free to mention if there are issues with how it feels to drive (if it's not intuitive, or inconsistent, etc.)